Oct 8, 2013

How to choose a restaurant for a wedding reception?

Demand creates supply . So today on domestic spaces emerged a large number of various restaurants and cafes that offer the services of a wedding banquet. Sometimes such a variety of causes that future newlyweds are spending more than a week in search of the best option . Recently, a very popular wedding in a traditional , for example, Ukrainian , Russian or Gypsy style. Kiev Ukrainian restaurant that offers delicious food and a matching decor rooms, perfectly suitable for a wedding. But it's not the style of the wedding celebration , the selection of restaurants for such an event - it is not easy . This issue should be taken seriously and to think ahead. On the day of the wedding couple and their guests to enjoy this great event , have fun and relax. It should therefore be given to the following points :

1. Decide on the exact number of guests. This is the starting point of reference that defines the capacity of the restaurant . Most restaurants can accommodate up to 40 people , so if a large-scale wedding , it is better to think of a country restaurant .

2 . Determine the direction of the kitchen. " Best Restaurant Kiev" - such a request on the Internet show a large number of restaurants with Japanese, Italian , Chinese cuisine . But will it be tasty guests? It is worth thinking about this in advance .

3 . Decide on a location. It is not necessary to book a restaurant away from the registrar - this will lead to loss of time . The best option would be establishment a few hundred meters away - a maximum of 5 kilometers from the place of registration of marriage.

4 . Decide on the level of the restaurant. It is important that you choose the restaurant had experience of grand banquets . If managers claim to have experience in organizing banquets , check the Internet , you may find helpful reviews on this restaurant. Also take the time to book a wedding without a preliminary examination hall and read the menu. Also, do not be amiss to reserve a table at this restaurant one evening just for two. So you can check the level of staff service and food quality .

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