
From The Business Coaching Chronicles The Power Of Momentum

The momentum was gone and so was the fun for one of my personal business coaching clients. As he looked up from his desk he sighed and said, "This is no fun any more."
I have encountered this scenario numerous times in my business coaching practice and it even happened to me in the businesses I owned. For the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional one of the worst feelings is a loss of momentum. Why?
Momentum Determines Perspective
When things are going well your steps are lighter, the day is brighter and the problems you have a challenges that can be overcome. You have positive, forward momentum. Obviously, there can be negative momentum but the focus in this article is on the positive.

When your momentum is positive your perspective of the present and the future is good. You believe that things will continue to get better over time. As a self-employed business owner running a small business you feel you are on a good track.
When you feel you are on a good track you have positive momentum. You have a healthy perspective that sees "what can be" and the means to make it happen. When our momentum ceases to be forward and positive we start to feel stuck or overwhelmed.
When we are in this position, very often our activity diminishes. When our activity diminishes, so do our results. And when our results diminish our self-esteem and our can do attitude erodes.
Regaining Momentum
As was the case with my client, his activity had diminished and so had his results. The employee morale in his 5 person company was not good. People did their jobs..kind of. There was little enthusiasm.
This loss of enthusiasm was felt by his customers. Some of his long time customers would remark to him that he didn't seem happy. This bothered him greatly.
He had been in business 20 years and built a good business but the joy and enthusiasm was gone. He saw all his business days looking the same. Today was going to be like yesterday. Tomorrow was going to be like today. He knew he had to regain his momentum but how to do it?
Your Vision Of The Future Creates Your Momentum
If you think about it, everything must be finished before it can be started. Without an exciting vision of the future the present becomes a tedious slog through the mud. When you get to the end of the day you say, "Whew, I made it through another day." Then your energy is zapped even further when you realize that tomorrow is going to be the same.

For my client we collaborated to create a vision of the future that was exciting to him. Once we created the future, which included upgrading parts of the business and positioning it to be sold, then the present became meaningful.
Every day was now a step forward to attaining the future he desired. This took several months. But the excitement and the momentum returned. His business became better externally and internally.
Positive momentum was carrying him forward. If you feel your momentum is lost and the present is a slog through the mud, go to work on your vision of the future. Go to work on yourself. After all, your world will get no bigger than your thinking.
And, when the future is finished in your mind, then what you need to do in the present becomes absolutely clear. When things are clear you have cleared the pathway for momentum to carry you to the business and life you desire. Things become fun again.
Capture the future in your mind and you will build momentum.

Foolproof Your Presentations - 10 Tips for Delivering Professional Presentations

In the workplace, we make presentations all the time, be it to internal or external stakeholders. One of the reasons many people fear making presentations to the boss or clients is they are afraid of being the focal point of everyone's attention and don't want to risk making a fool of themselves.
Put your best foot forward every time! There are several things you can do to "fool-proof" your speaking event or business presentation so that you deliver your message well every single time.
1. Take the time to prepare well for your presentation. Preparation enhances your confidence and it's also an opportunity to refine any weak areas in your presentation.
2. Begin and end your presentation on time. Arriving late for your presentation is simply unprofessional, not to mention it won't win you any points with your audience. When you go over the allotted time, it shows your audience that you don't value their time.
3. Know your audience. The best ways to relate to your audience is if you know who they are. Conduct an audience analysis. Are they male or female? What income bracket are they in? Why would they want to attend your presentation? What do they already know? What are their hot buttons? Most importantly, you should be asking yourself, "Is what I'm presenting in their best interests?"

4. Dress appropriately for your audience. Not all speaking engagements require a business suit. There are many places where business casual has become the norm. Before your audience even hears your message, they are already sizing you up and your attire will impact whether or not they will listen to what you have to say!
5. Have a backup plan for visual aids used in your presentation. You've decided to use visual aids because they will be helpful getting your message across. What happens when laptops fail or the room cannot accommodate presentation equipment? Think through your backup plan on how to handle this situation.
6. Tone down information overload. Yes, you can overload your audience with too much information and if you're not careful, you'll lose them. They'll mentally check out. As a speaker, you'll want to present enough information that hooks them into getting more information from you!
7. Don't use inappropriate humor. Humor can be a tricky thing working for you or against you. You will really have to know your audience in order to use jokes or humor appropriately.
8. Vary your speech tones. The monotonous speaker will lose their audience within the first 15 minutes. It's okay to be animated during your presentation and in fact, doing so will transmit flair and passion that keeps people engaged in your message.
9. Relate your topic back to your audience. Basically, stop talking about yourself! Your audience might want to hear a testimony or two, but mostly, they'll want to hear about them and how your presentation can help them!
10. Solidify your message. Support your ideas with data and evidence and build a solid case for your viewpoints. You can use statistics, testimonies, demonstrations, pictures and more!
Your presentation can be fool proof if you take the time to minimize mistakes. By going through these key points, you can assure yourself that you are well prepared for any challenge that might come your way and you will experience the success you've always dreamed of!

Best Uses of PM and Lorry Crane

PM cranes have improved over the years due to advancement in different types of related technology. They can now handle more weight and are designed to move loads at higher angles than they could before. One thing that is still being improved is safety. In every industrial setting safety still remains an issue that must continually be addressed. Here are several things that could be done to minimize the risk of accidents in the workplace.
Know Safety Requirements
The first thing is to adhere to safety requirements. There should be a competent person handling the equipment. Training the personnel that are going to handle the lorry cranes is mandatory. Having a trained person is actually a legal requirement every person owning one of these equipments should have.

A trained person will be also in a position to detect problems. The law requires that the Faiss cranes be examined from time to time to ensure safety for everyone in the workplace.Regular checkups should be done to ensure there are no loose joints or weak points on the crane. A schedule for checking the crane must be put in place as a policy to ensure checkups are done from time to time. Without fail Genuine spare must be used to avoid making the equipment malfunction.
Watch Loading Limits
One of the most important safety precaution that should not be overlooked is watching the loading limit. Overloading can cause very serious accidents for the person handling it and also any bystanders lurking around. The company may also be sued for damages and negligence should an accident happen. For this reason it is always important to check the loading limit. The manufacturer designs the cranes to only strictly adhere to the limit.
There are sets of manufacturer's instruction that come with the equipment. Is easy to violate this rule if you look at the truck and assume it is strong enough to handle the load. The cranes may have gauges that can be used to tell if it is carrying excess weight. Such a gauge will eliminate the need for guesswork.
Transporting Cranes
Since the PM Cranes UKare built to provide mobility for the crane. It is important to also observe the safety requirements that are required when you want to move the crane from one point to another. Depending on the size and how it is mounted you may have to conform certain rules regarding transportation.

Besides the equipment themselves, you could also pay attention to other things like the area where you are working. Ensure that everyone is always working with protective gear every time they are anywhere near the lifting equipments. In case of mishaps at the workplace, injuries can be significantly reduced or even avoided.

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